Commercial Trench Drains > ACO Brickslot

Category: Commercial Trench Drains
Part Name:
Brickslot is a discreet, drainage solution for use with brick or stone pavers. The 3/8” slot blends in with the paving joints giving an aesthetic solution.
Installation Instructions
- 3/8” flared slot prevents debris being trapped and blocking the opening.
- Brick pavers fit directly against the slot. For light duty pedestrian applications, pavers can be set on sand; for heavier duty projects, pavers should be set on concrete. Maximum paver depth 2.50” (63.5mm) to allow for 0.25” (6mm) bedding material.
- Used with K100S channel - Brickslot fits directly into the K100S channel grate recess. Brickslot units are fitted with QuickLok for easy assembly to the channel unit. Half meter sections are available. Half meter access units provide access to the channel or catch basin for maintenance.
- End caps and accessories are available from the K100S range
Call 800-277-5015 to place your order for Brickslot!